the unbearable lightness of aging


Getting older can be a daunting task. There is a constant battle with self-image. It's hard to fight the urge to believe that if you are over fifty, specifically women, you are now useless and unattractive, a double whammy. Of course,  this is if you buy into the assumption that your worth is defined by whether others see you as useful.  Somehow the fact that you are present and are a unique individual is not enough. As if the miracle you are has a use-by date and the world ignores you after that date. The simple fact that of all the combinations that could have occurred, my combo won out. This combination should be enough to make me a treasure. Thanks, mom and dad, for your contributions in making me uniquely me.

The odd thing is, as I age, I love the changes I see.  I want to be who I am. I want to shed the social "norms " of what people my age should do and erase the limits on what others believe we have to contribute to society.  I refuse to accept that a person of a certain age can no longer do this or do that.  It makes others uncomfortable if they see someone in their fifties, enjoying life as if they were in their 30's.  Understand they are living a life sweetened with the knowledge they have acquired over the years. It's somehow seen as cheating or gaming the system instead of reaping life's hard earned rewards.  Some cultures see aging as a privilege. I grew up in a culture that embraced aging.  Grateful that they are still among the living.  They liken it to aging like a fine wine getting better with time.  In the United States, we are supposed to get out of the way and leave it to the young people. I say stay, don't opt-out.  I enjoy mixing with Gen-x, millennials, and whatever label we are grouping ourselves these days. It invigorates me, and hopefully, my experiences can enrich their lives.  I look to my millennials who adapt quickly and don't let things drag them down.  They keep moving forward.  I admire that trait.  I can learn from them, and they can learn from me.  That's what living a full life is.  Just because others think you should be sad for being over forty and God save you if you're over fifty, we shouldn't be plagued with sadness or overcome with despair because of our age. We are here to share knowledge between generations - adding to the knowledge base of our human existence.  

We get caught up in should've or wish I would've. Get out there and experience life with respect for your physical limitations but still embrace that inner child.  Who are you?  I embrace my inner Kitt. If you still have the desire to experience life to its fullest,  you can make a difference. Whether you know it or not.

I am enjoying my life now, and no, I don't regret not doing anything that I didn't start sooner. Don't get me wrong; in my late forties, that doubt crept into my mind. I happen to be a person who thinks that if I were supposed to do what I am doing now in my twenties, I would have done it. Or If I am rushing and obstacle after obstacle slows me down, I stop rushing. That's where I am today. So, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Kitt, and I am a Quinquagenarian. I plan to participate in every moment of my life until I shed the mortal coil.


Thanks for reading.


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