November 17, 2019
Let Go Let GOD

“Let Go Let God”. What do we feel or think when we hear this? How can this be applied to daily life? I will start with a few examples the bible gives us and then discuss how for me, I almost daily need to meditate on this phrase to help keep my worrying and anxiety at manageable levels.
1 Peter 5:7 simply states “Cast all your care upon Him, because he cares for you.”
Matthew 6:34 emphasizes “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
I didn’t really fully appreciate or comprehend these verses until adulthood, especially until becoming a mother. Having lost my parents when I was 24, both to unforeseeable tragic causes of death, I struggled from then on with anxiety, insomnia, worry and panic attacks. So obviously, as a mom, this sort of post traumatic brain of mine took over. I am now 37 and have a 7 year old daughter and 9 year old son, both of whom I love immeasurably.
At age 8, my son was diagnosed with a very rare, complex, chronic disease called eosinophilic esophagitis. As a nurse, I understand physically and pathologically what this means. It’s basically a long term chronic allergic response the esophagus has to various foods and other substances. So as a medical professional, I understand the testing, treatment, and outlook very well.
As a Christian however, it has had a major impact on my psychological well being, and my attempts to control every detail of what he eats and does and what medicines the doctors prescribe have been a cause of much unrest. I am now beginning to really allow myself to give over some control and “Let Go and Let God.” I need to remember this child is not mine, but His, and always has been. In fact, I recall clearly when I was trying to conceive with Luke, I had infertility issues and remember praying in church one Sunday after trying for months, “God please help me become pregnant, and if you do, I promise to give this child entirely to you.” At the time, I truly didn’t even understand what I was praying for- it just felt right. Within a few weeks, I finally became pregnant, so God answered this prayer.
Now, I have to continually remind myself, my children, my home, my husband, my health, my job, are not even truly mine. They belong to the Father, and while I can do my best to care for all these things and protect all these things, the ultimate outcomes are not up to me. God has us all in his hands, and we do not always understand his methods or timing but they’re always the best.
Psalms 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.” And this verse hangs on a huge painting in my living room and its one of my very favorite treasures. God bless.
1 comment
What a great, inspiring story. The rat race we often find ourselves on in lif can take a toll. I find that having faith and a relationship with God provides both strength and comfort during trying times. He whispers to us so that we know he is always with us.
Kim S.
November 24, 2019